
This section will give you a quick overview of how to create a case and point you in the right direction.

The steps consist of:

  • Creating an account
  • Clicking on "Create a case" in the header
  • Create the content
  • Changing the visibility to something else than "draft" (ex: Unlisted, My catalog, ...)
  • Publish to make the changes visible
  • (Optional) Add a price to it to generate revenue

So let's get you started on this adventure!

Create an account

The very first thing you will need to do is create an account on the platform if you do not already have one. Simply click "Sign up" on the top right of the site to create an account and simply provide an email address and a password of your choice, or click "Login" if you already have one. Please note that if you have forgotten your password, you can follow the "Forgotten password" instructions located at the bottom of the login page.

Create a case

After authenticating, you'll be redirected to the landing page, where you should see a "Create a Case" button on the top of the page. You will be redirected to a new page that will guide you in your content creation.

Please enter a title, a description if you choose and select a category. When it comes to the question "What kind?", you'll have the option between Series, Season, Episode (see next section for more details).

Guides for content

Creating content can be a bit confusing to start, but quickly becomes a lot easier once you've got the hang of it. The following guides will help you through the process:

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