HarvardSetup & Preparations

In this section, we will go over the preparation needed to get things set up and ready, as well as what you can do while the simulation is running.


None required.

You have nothing to prepare on the platform ahead of time.

Depending on which Livecase simulation you selected, you may have the following requirements:

  • Role selection This is done BY THE LEARNER on the Livecase platform. The instructor has nothing to do setup-wise. We do often find it easier if you prepare an Excel/email and tell each participant which role they should select on the platform.
  • Groups This is also not done by the Educator. It is done by the participant themselves. You can add to your Excel/Email above which group they are in and let them follow the on platform instructions to add themselves to the groups. You can refer to this article for how Learners create groups.

Reviewing the content

It is very important to follow the TEACHERS NOTES provided on the Harvard website to get yourself familiar with the content. Having said that, you can also review all the content on the Livecase platform itself in the "Content" tab located at the top of the page. From there you can select an episode and review it.

Harvard content!

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